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coursera Andrew Ng c++ Parallel programming deep learning CUDA 프로그래밍 tensorflow 머신러닝 Machine Learning Python Swift CMake C++ templates The Complete Guide 딥러닝 opencv 도커 docker 시작하세요! 도커/쿠버네티스 pytorch CUDA 파이썬 Probability 정규표현식 Regex EFFECTIVE C++ OpenMP Regular Expressions pytorch tutorial C++ STANDARD LIBRARY MPI ruby c++ template the complete guide 세븐 랭귀지 RNN 자료구조 Pthreads Seaborn 선형대수 thread NVIDIA Online Training Move Semantics LSTM Logistic Regression autoencoder 객체지향언어 Streams Mutex string Events 클래스 알고리즘 traits template Traits C++ 메모리 관리 Reduction Problem CUDA Programming false sharing displot Mini-batch Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++ 스마트 포인터 autograd Dropout kaggle matrix multiplication Gradient Checking Optimization Algorithm Regularization 연산자 오버로딩 gru SVM Tuple AES Momentum Iterator 템플릿 상속 cnn If Adam 루비 Variadic Templates stream class torch.Tensor Dynamic Libraries Static Libraries Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning OpenCV 4 선형 계획법 yield from Weak References 멀티스레딩 프로그래밍 Type Traits String Stream copy elision NRVO Standard functions Intrinsic functions CUDA Instructions Parallel Reduction warp divergence Dynamic Parallelism CUDA Memory Model critical directive thread synchronization Trapezoidal rule 최단 경로 알고리즘 AES192 우측값 참조 우측값 리얼월드 알고리즘 weak_ptr 7 Database 가상 함수 테이블 storage driver GradientTape Debiasing Word Embeddings imdb datasets classification BRNN Neural Style Transfer Siamese Network VGG16 Hand SIGNS classification cat classification relplot 일차종속 std::move PRML Bipartite Matching unique_ptr NP-complete 점프 투 파이썬 Linear Programming L2 regularization Prefix Sum file stream 이분 매칭 AES128 unsupervised learning 생성공간 동적 프로그래밍 AES256 cache coherence protocols lambda NoSQL Chrono initialization softmax I/O Deque shared_ptr variable scope linear algebra 다형성 RVO template Deadlock override 생성자 Protocol vector Database list compiler graph property kernel friend CLASS AE survay of quantization move elision atomic shared pointer publishing protocol atomic index atomic counter pointer spinlock lock convoying wait-free lock-free lock-based amdahl's raw concurrency and program acquire memory order release memory order acquire-release memory order relaxed memory order memory visibility memory order memory synchronization sequantial access memory access speed memory architecture branchless selection branchless computing pipeline flush speculative execution superscalar Instruction-Level Parallelism ILP CRTP typelists hybrid metaprogramming type metaprogramming metaprogramming bridging static and dynamic polymorphism type erasure class specialization algorithm specialization tag distpatching 컴파일러 개요 NVIDIA Libraries NVIDIA Libraries Study std::cref std::ref passing by reference passing by value type functions partial variable template specialization Partial Class Template Specialization overloading function templates explicit specialization compile-time if statements explicit instantiation Friend Template Template Arguments Template Parameters Parameterized Declaration Inclusion Model Temporary Materialization Value Categories requires enable_if Variadic Expressions Variadic Class Templates Fold Expressions nontype template parameter class templates function templates pytorch custom ops performance of stream buffer stream buffer class connecting the streams user-defined format flags user-defined input/output operator manipulators I/O Exceptions I/O Streams function adapter function objects c++ standar library iterator traits user-defined iterators function type wrapper reference wrapper type_traits C++ standary library enumeration class scoped enumerations template features range-based loop raw string C++11 features Executing Program Entry Point Program Execution Stage decltype Mathematics For Machine Learning Characteristic Function s-Transform Transform Method Sum of RVs Functions of RVs legacy default stream per-thread default stream Stream Synchronization Behavior Runtime APIs vs. Device APIs API Syncrhonization Behavior NVTX Multiple GPUs Concurrent Streams Asynchronous Prefetching Joint Gaussian Distribution Mutlinomial Distribution Multiple RVs 어랑 분포 기하 분포 확률 분포 Continuous RV Discrete RV Random Variables Lazy instantiation Stirling Formula Binomial Theorem Combined Experiments Independent Events Bayes' Theorem Total Probability KL 발산 Decision Theory 결정 이론 베이지안 확률 Probability Theory 확률 밀도 사전 확률 사후 확률 베이즈 이론 Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse 유사역행렬 특잇값 분해 dnn 모듈 ml::SVM KNearest 클래스 색상 공간 변환 컬러 영상 Hough transform Scharr filter Sobel filter 캐니 에지 검출기 허프 변환 샤르 필터 소벨 필터 투시 변환 어파인 변환 양방향 필터 엠보싱 필터링 블러링 Histogram Stretching 명암비 조절 createTrackbar waitKeyEx setMouseCallback 문자 그리기 직선 그리기 그리기 함수 OutputArray 클래스 InputArray 클래스 Scalar 클래스 Vec 클래스 Mat 클래스 Subspaces Vector Spaces 문자열 최적화 std::string 최적화 C++ 최적화 Search Problems 코사라주 알고리즘 강한 연결 요소 Strongly Connected Components 에드몬드 카프 알고리즘 포드 풀커슨 알고리즘 Simplex Algorithm 심플렉스 알고리즘 Max-flow Min-cut Theorem Network Flow Problem Simplex Method Traverling Salseman Problem 외판원 순회 문제 집합 커버 문제 Set Cover Problem Lookaround Conditions Backreference Conditions lookaround lookbehind lookahead 후방탐색 전방탐색 Backreferences Nesting Subexpressions Subexpressions Position Matching greedy quantifier lazy quantifier POSIX 문자 클래스 문자 클래스 메타 문자 문자 제외 문자 집합 문자 하나 찾기 Class Metaprogramming Class Factory Function Non-Overriding Descriptors Overriding Descriptors Attribute Descriptors Dynamic Attribute concurrent.futures python concurrency model asyncio PEP 380 Classic Coroutine else Blocks @contextmanager Static Protocols Dynamic Protocols dataclasses.dataclass typing.NamedTuple collections.namedtuple Data Class Builder Format Specification @classmethod Pythonic Object Decorator Factory Parameterized Decorator First-Class Functions memoryview Generator Expresion Special Methods Data Model Memory Access Conflict Capture Lists Unowned References Strong References Opaque Types Generic Subscripts Associated Type Atomic Operations 가변인수 템플릿 타입 트레이트 폴드 표현식 메타프로그래밍 String Localization accumulate() find_if() Variable Template Move Iterator Reverse Iterator Iterator Adopter Stream Iterator 사용자 정의 리터럴 Bidirectional I/O variable-length argument list 가변 인자 리스트 extern 키워드 static 키워드 bit_cast Virtual Base Class override 키워드 virtual 키워드 재사용을 위한 상속 Pimpl Idiom Move Assignment Operator Move Constructor designated initializer uniform initialization initializer_list string_view std::string_view text processing C++ 표준 라이브러리 Atomic Instruction Floating-Point Instructions Atomic Instructions Stream Callback shuffle instruction Rectangular Shared Memory Square Shared Memory Volatile Qualifier Shared Memory Bank prarallel programming Unified Virtual Addressing Zero-Copy Memory Pinned Memory matrix addition Nsight Compute deinitializer Deinitialization videoCapture Failable Intializer Initialization Override Automatic Initializer Inheritance Convenience Initializer Designated Initialzier Memberwise Initializer Default Initializer 동적 병렬 Type Subscript 람다 표현식 Type Methods Instance Methods Type Properties Property Wrappers Computed Properties Stored Properties Reference Types Value Types Tiled Merge Operation Merge Operation Canny Edge Detector Recursive Enumeration Raw Value Associated Value Autoclosure Excaping Closure Hybrid ELL-COO Format ELL Format CSR Format atomicAdd Brent-Kung Scan Kogge Stone Scan Tiled 2D Convolution 2D Convolution Tiled Convolution 1D Convolution Floating-point Resource Dynamic Partitioning Resource Limitations Sum Reduction Corner Turning Tile 알고리즘 Memory Coalescing Global Memory Bandwidth tiled matrix multiplication CUDA Memory Types 폰 노이만 모델 latency tolerance Thread Scheduling Resource Assignment memory hierarchy thread hierarchy CUDA Programming Model Mapping Data Kernel Function Vector Addition Data Pallelism cuBLAS Intel MKL OpenBLAS 행렬 곱 연산 matrix vector multiplication omp lock explicit barrier atomic directive schedule clause for directive shared clause default clause private clause parallel for parallel for directive reduction directive parallel directive busy waiting parallal programming Interface Target Imported Target Target Types MPI_Sendrecv odd-even sort derived datatypes vector summation Language Requirements MPI communication message-passing interface 분산 메모리 병렬 시스템 Target Properties Directory Properties Linker Variables Compiler Variables Custom Build Type Build Type Generator Expression include_guard add_subdirectory 변수 디버깅 Cache 변수 CMake 변수 문자열 매칭 알고리즘 Boyer-Moore-Horspool 알고리즘 보이어-무어-호스풀 알고리즘 플로이드-워셜 알고리즘 음의 순환 EBCO 그래프의 지름 임계 경로 가중치 그래프 모듈로 거듭제곱 디피-헬먼 키 교환 Key Schedule S-box LZW 압축 비동기 실행 std::shared_future std::packaged_task std::future std::promise Reference Collapsing 참조 축약 Universal Reference 보편 참조 Perfect Forwading 이동 생성자 우측값 레퍼런스 좌측값 condition_variable Producer-Consumer Pattern 생산자-소비자 패턴 허프만코딩 enabled_shared_from_this RAII 가상 함수 가상 소멸자 복사 대입연산자 멤버 초기화 리스트 논리적 상수성 비트수준 상수성 waitkey 베르누이 분포 CAdvisor 데몬 모니터닝 Devicemapper AUFS tlsverify Docker Daemon 도커 데몬 리소스 할당 제한 도커 로깅 로깅 드라이버 도커 네트워크 도커 볼륨 도커 엔진 설치 C++ 개요 spinlock lvalue Information theory PTQ 최대 유량 QAT Manifold Learning Maximum likelihood private registry 정규 분포 Syllable Recognition 한글 음절 인식기 Oxford-IIIT Pet Custom Training Loop Custom model Custom layer Lambda layer custom loss function Functional API Fully Convolutional Network dog breed identification 딥러닝 특화과정 Deep Learning Specialization Machine Translation with Attention CTC Cost Attention Model Bleu Score Beam Search Sequence Model Skip gram 네이버 영화 리뷰 감성 분석 __slots__ Language Model Deep RNNs Rabin-Karp 라빈 카프 알고리즘 list comprehesion non-linearity cats vs. dogs categorical_crossentropy log softmax cats vs. dogs classification weakref cross_entropy log_softmax MNIST Classification Triplet Loss Face Verification 교통표지판인식 Traffic Sign Recognition GTSRB 오토인코더 ResNet-50 Non-max suppression YOLO algorithm Couresra Inception Module l-layer NN operation seed random seed iris classification pairplot jointplot ECDF kdeplot histplot lineplot thread-safe End-to-end Deep Learning Multi-task Learning training-dev set Data mismatched Avoidable Bias Human-level performance DataSet Distribution Evaluation Mertric Orthogonalization bisect Multi-class classifier Hyperparameter tunning Unified Memory warps learning rate decay Conditional Expectation Conditional Probability cat vs non-cat 분류기 4-layer NN 2-layer NN one hidden layer NN A neuron network Two-Pointer Shallow Neural Network 문자열 탐색 Constent Based Recommendations Recommender System dataloader std::async 커널트릭 KaTex SimpleRNN 루비 메타모델 deep neural network tensorflow 2 2-SAT Back-propagation Machine Learning - Andrew Ng 루비 함수 루비 해시 루비 배열 명명된 매개변수 Ruby설치 reinterpret_cast const_cast noexcept make_unique Decorators 참조자 std::forward Perfect Forwarding condition variable 0-1 knapsack pytorch tensor constexpr Convolution Neural Network 투포인터 F1 score loop unrolling Type Constraints Property Observers 객체 초기화 control flow Basic Operators Class Activation Map Docstring FCN userdict itertools std::string 벨만-포드 알고리즘 one-hot encoding type casting nullptr 도커 허브 Edit Distance 이항 분포 지수 분포 균일 분포 서포트 벡터 머신 Activation function tanh 크루스칼 알고리즘 tiling slicing Transfer Learning memory model sentry dockerfile 도커 이미지 ReLU exceptions ResNet GoogLeNet LeNet-5 OverlayFS scatterplot Data Augmentation RMSProp Batch Normalization He Initialization Linear Combination Kernel Density Estimation Duck Typing 코루틴 union-find instantiation UNET cousera 람다표현식 Softmax Regression subscript mutating enumeration Swfit argparse optional chaining Recurrent Neural Network 고윳값 Negative Sampling Word embedding Early Stopping image classification alexnet Cache miss MNIST floyd-warshall algorithm 최단 경로 우선순위 큐 가우시안 분포 Anomaly detection norm Error Analysis Random Initialization Keras Sigmoid Gradient Descent pch matrix transpose 선택적 매개변수 supervised learning Singular Value Decomposition word2vec bytes for-in dictionaries 다중 상속 bridge pattern indexing btrfs correlation coefficient 포아송 분포 함수 객체 spfa Quantization linear regression code block directed graph 도형 그리기 Dynamic Programming metaclass 최소 신장 트리 covariance EXPECTATION MML 정보 이론 그래프 이론 videowriter 연립일차방정식 선형계획법 ABCs Minimum Spanning Tree function object operator overloading 대입 연산자 stride backtracking Saliency Map object detection 미디언 필터 밝기 조절 numeric unrolling find() Deep copy Shallow copy 확률론 closures arrays Permutation mathjax Memory Barrier sparse matrix async 병렬 프로그래밍 Lambda expression IEEE 754 pipelining RValue 일차독립 일차결합 부분공간 대각행렬 직교행렬 고유벡터 CDF 슬라이딩윈도우 numeric_limits 위상정렬 Topological sort dynamic_cast downcast specialization Formatting random access 예외 처리 SvD modules MultiProcessing MultiThreading 백트래킹 race condition 샤프닝 우선순위큐 branch prediction interfaces CTime Facet neural network c++ template Merge sort 추상 클래스 Extensions threading GPGPU futures class template function template Objects Histogram Equalization Histogram bfs transforms octave 역참조 Dag Image Segmentation Collaborative Filtering sets Z-transform Disassembler reduction iter pthread #define glove Linker smart pointer Warp TSP 히스토그램 Error Handling STR 부동소수점 maximum flow Functions Critical section barrier priority queue 노름 pair 피보나치 수열 Concurrency binary tree BST PMF call by value Initializer variance Overriding Call by Reference Normalization Prefetch 소멸자 복사 생성자 continue Generics shared memory 공유 메모리 Huffman 난수 제로섬 게임 Lis random number 연결리스트 Iterable Loop Exception Handling DataSet 이진트리 Face Recognition static_cast annotation 다익스트라 알고리즘 Properties RTTI Dae 딕셔너리 padding uva Templates Volume livelock reference Attribute structure Sequence semaphore queue Stream Threads Macro combination While Methods Stack 엔트로피 optimizer 동적 메모리 Algorithm AOS utility 믹스인 mixin CAS binary search tree linked list dictionary zfs include function pointer 함수 포인터 LOADER virtual OOP inheritance Synchronization garbage collection 필터링 defer Arc GPU 익스텐션 BIND SOA Array 그래프 tree 패키지 Shell 스택 Sliding Window Cam PCA 모듈 kmp closure promise stl Visualization policy auto nvidia locale 함수 Future const SOME generator Convolution poi Concept Collection cache function PostgreSQL 압축 LP 집합 SCC set 리스트 Break pdf switch Heap join 컴파일러 With return 유니코드